Reducing Construction Costs through Integrated Project Delivery in Construction
The construction market is very demanding and the project delivery methods have evolved from the traditional ones to risk-sharing forms, such as IPD (Integrated Project Delivery). In a traditional construction method, each party tries to avoid the risk and transfer it to the other party. It results in losses in the form of project delays and extra costs. Let’s consider a construction project where the designer has proposed helical piers for the foundation construction of a multistory apartment. Later on, when the contractor is involved, he determines that some of the cost of helical piers could be saved if rammed [...]
Benefits of Integrated Project Delivery in Construction
What is IPD? Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is a method of delivering a project based on the team's collaborative efforts. It allows the creation of mini organizations for the project's length to enhance the chances of achieving a project successfully. The owner, architect, managers, designers, and contractors work as a single unit with the ultimate goal of delivering a cost-efficient project on time. IPD has resulted in the timely delivery of complex construction projects. The contractors who will execute the project work closely with the architects and the designers (structure and MEP) to find the best possible delivery method [...]