
baseline schedule

Concrete Material Testing

Before concrete pouring, concrete from mixers are being tested by a method called slump test, when the concrete is PumpCrete Design (PCD), Bored Pile Mixed (BPM), or spread test, when the concrete is designed as Self Compacting Concrete (SCC).  Slump or spread test is where you are determining the consistency and quality of concrete to water ratio.

After passing this test, the sampler will provide you a cylinder where the concrete sampled is to be retained for compressive strength testing after 7, 14 and 28 days. (Note: 28 Days – the concrete will achieve its maximum compressive strength) After 24-48 hours these samples are to be demolded and cured in a water tank.

Concrete cylinder samples are tested by destructive compressive testing in a testing laboratory accredited by the safety standards.  There are different types of fractures after the results have been obtained. Listed below:

  1. Conical-C
  2. Cone and split-CP
  3. Columnar-CL
  4. Shear-S
  5. Shear Wedge-SW
  6. Cone and Shear-CS

Concrete structures that didn’t pass in this type of destructive test will be subjected to rectification or reconstruction purposes to attain the designated strength with regards to the structural specifications.

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